Thursday, February 27, 2020


AN INVESTIGATION OF THE IMPACT OF GLOBALISATION TO THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION - Essay Example Josephine Bromme (2010) takes globalization to another level by relating to it as a compression of the social society. He suggests that globalization is the expansion of a company’s offering to other parts of the world and it takes international strategies for companies to expand their business at global level. Jorn Kleinert (2004) proposes that globalization has opened up a gateway for companies to flourish both on home and host countries. This has also helped society develop on cultural terms because when a product of one country is introduced to another country, distances and stereotypes are reduced and people become more open to acceptance. Globalization has helped multinational companies tap resources in host countries which have been unknown to the general society. Moreover, it has helped people fight in terms of competencies and skills in order to fulfill the standards set up by the multinational giants. Also it has made society a better off place. Globalization provide s an excellent outsourcing opportunity for multinational companies. When multinational companies make the most of the phenomena of globalization, they improve the economic, social, welfare and political condition of the countries where they invest. Research Method Sekaran, U. (2000) proposed primary research and secondary research as the most common and authentic methods of carrying out research. As mentioned in earlier sections of this research proposal, the purpose is to investigate how globalization has made it easy multinational companies to expand business and exploit resources. In order to do so, Coca Cola has been selected because this is one of the many trusted companies. Also it is one of the oldest multinational companies which has gained topmost image in the world of food and beverage business. For the purpose of carrying out this research, data is required from the internal as well as external customers of Coca Cola so that authentic results are obtained. I will be colle cting primary data from the employees as well as the customers of Coca Cola in the form of questionnaire. The questionnaire will be based on certain number of closed ended` questions which will be aimed at globalization and multinational companies’ relationship. It will be distributed to random customers at shopping marts and employees at various levels in the company. The sample size will be two hundred approximately because the more is the sample size of any research, more are the chances that the results obtained will be close to the term authentic because whenever researched through questionnaires is being conducted, large sample is gathered; a sufficient margin should be left for those respondents who fail to provide accurate information. It will not be difficult to gather data from customers present in marts because there are plenty of them and if not many, few will definitely show willingness to respond. The employees will be busy so it would take sometimes to get an a ppointment from them. After collecting the data, it

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Leadership Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Leadership - Term Paper Example Leadership Leadership can be defined as a process whereby one or more persons influence a group of followers to accomplish a specific goal the way he/she wants it to be done. A leader directs his/her efforts towards the followers who are to try and achieve the common goals together. Leadership might include one or a group of leaders who affect the steps that the followers will follow (Northouse, 2013). Leadership involves taking ethical responsibilities to ensure that there is a good communication linkage and to satisfy the needs of the followers for easy achievement of their goals. A leader should induce others, must be the center of the group and have power to effect change in the followers. Leadership is also viewed in terms of the power that the leaders have towards their followers and it is this power that the leaders utilize to effect change in their followers (Giuliani & Kurson, 2002). In this context, power can be said to be the capability or the potential to influence others in regard to their belief, attitude, culture and even course of action (Northouse, 2013). ... There are different bases from which leaders derive their power which are referent, expert, legitimate, reward and coercive, all which increase the leaders potential to influence the attitudes, values, beliefs and behavior of others. Referent power is power that is got from the followers liking and identification of the leader while expert power is power that is derived from the knowledge and the competence that a leader has in a certain sector. Legitimate power is the power that is derived from having status or formal job authority in an organization while reward power is that which is derived from the capacity of rewarding others who in turn recognize the person as a leader. On the other hand, Coercive power is the power that is derived from the ability to penalize or punish others in an organizational set up. (Northouse, 2013). In an organization, there are two main bases of power which are position and personal power. Position power is derived from position or rank while personal power is the power that an individual gains from recognition and liking by others. Management On the other hand, Management is the act of organizing and coordinating all the activities to achieve the desired goal and it involves planning, organizing and controlling the organization (Northouse, 2013). A manager has the power and responsibility to make a decision and also the responsibility of organizing the staffs to nurture skills develop their skills as well as to maximize efficiency in performing their duties. Management focuses on defining the purpose, seeks order and stability on the objectives in an organizational set up. Management can also be said to be a unidirectional process geared towards coordination of managers and subordinates to join efforts towards achievement of