Saturday, December 21, 2019

European Colonialism in Rwanda Essay - 1361 Words

In the era of colonialism, European authorities all cynically insisted that they acted to promote such higher commitments entitled the white mans burden,† a vital aspect claimed to be in their national interest and of prodigious importance. Yet when these global and transnational forces increasingly usurp the power of states, in order to determine their own fiscal policies, newfangled ideologies spread, and eventually rivals spur in conflict and tragedies befall. Such a case was found in the dramatic fallout of the Rwandan Genocide. The root of the carnage is entwined in the European colonialism in Rwanda; where the hunger for power and land lied in Belgium colonist’s interest. Ultimately, upon their unwanted arrival, European colonists†¦show more content†¦This course of categorization produced profound effects that echoed in the future history of the country; for during the Rwandan genocide 78 years following, these identification cards told Hutu extremists ul timately who to kill and who to amnesty. With this conceded class distinction came the fight for reigning ability, and amidst this power vacuum, Rwandans fell victim to conflicting groups and crime, the eventual building blocks that lead to the massacre of 800,000 civilians. The origins of this ethnic loathing and in turn ethnic genocide can be secured to European colonialism, where those who arrived to colonize and yield the wealth of western knowledge, instead carried racist beliefs. Through this haunting event in history, when foreign governments unfittingly place their ideologies in unknown territory, revealed is how uninvited nations can destabilize a state by stimulating ethnic warfare, causing it to collapse and crumble through conflict. Leaders hope to collect public support by describing ultranationalist actions in terms of high moral purposes in their nation’s interest- promising to bring, justice, democracy, peace, economic prosperity and civilization to the affected region. Though when the greed to meet these goals crosses the lines of altruistic morality, where ultranationalist sentiments evidently overlook basic humanitarian limits leading toShow MoreRelatedThe Genocide Of The Rwandan And Tutsi Tribes, Colonialism As The Catalyst For Genocide Essay1243 Words   |  5 PagesWhile writing an essay about the 1994 genocide in Rwanda utilizing writings from the play Maria Kizito and the script from the motion picture Hotel Rwanda I found more data by writers who wrote journals and articles that explained particular areas I had interest in. These journals and articles discuss with more detail Rwanda’s History, the history of the Hutu and the Tutsi tribes, Colonialism as the catalyst for genocide in Rw anda. The area this paper will focus on is the role of the media duringRead MoreThe Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide1458 Words   |  6 Pagesthey born into an environment with extreme ethnic tensions. 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